Moshe Denburg Sings – Vekarev Pezureinu (1977)
Moshe Denburg Sings – Vekarev Pezureinu is an early album of 12 original Jewish Songs by Moshe Denburg, founder and band leader of Tzimmes. It was recorded in New York City in the mid 70’s, with the Neginah Orchestra, arranged and conducted by Yisroel Lamm. For many years following its release, the album was played regularly on Kol Israel Radio.
Lyrics to all the songs can be downloaded here:

01 – Vekarev Pezureinu
Bring our scattered ones among the nations near to you, and gather our disperses from the ends of the earth (Liturgy of Festivals)
02 – Hineh Ma Tov
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers (and sisters) to dwell together in unity.
(Psalms 133, 1)
03 – Vaani Tefilati
But as for me, let my prayer be unto you in an acceptable time; O God, in the abundance of your mercy, answer me with the truth of your salvation (Psalms 69, 14)
04 – Nigun Maor (A Melody of Light)
05 – Hodu
Give thanks to God for he is good; for his loving-kindness endures forever; Give thanks to God, call upon his name for his loving-kindness endures forever; Speak of all his wonders; Recount his acts amongst the nations (Excerpts from Liturgy)
06 – An’im Zemirot
Sweet hymns shall be my chant and woven songs
For you are all for which my spirit longs
To be withing the shadow of your hand
And all your mastery to understand.
And while your glory is upon my tongue
My inmost heart with love for you is wrung
And let my meditation grateful be,
For all my being thirsts for thee.
Who can utter the mighty acts of God
Or show forth all his praise? (Hymn of Glory)
07 – When the Lord Came to Zion
[Words and Music by Moshe Denburg, inspired by Psalm 126]
08 – Lecha Hagedulah
Yours is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is yours; yours is the kingdom and the supremacy as head over all
(I Chronicles 29, 1 – this passage is recited or sung after taking the Torah scrolls out of the ark)
09 – Shalom Aleichem
Peace be unto you, ministering angels, messengers of the most high, the supreme king of kings, holy and blessed is he.
May your coming be in peace, messengers of the most high…
Bless me with peace, messengers of the most high…
May your departure be in peace, messengers of the most high…
(Kabbalists of Safed, 1700 ca. – sung upon arriving home from the synagogue on Friday night)
10 – Uvanu Bacharta
You have chosen us from all peoples and nations; You have in truth graciously brought us nearer to your great name, that we may praise you, acclaiming your unity and loving your name.
(Blessing preceding the Shema)
11 – Harachaman
May the merciful make us worthy of the days of the messiah and of the life of the world to come
(From Grace after Meals)
12 – Leshanah
Next year in Jerusalem!
(Last portion – Nirtsa – of the Passover Haggadah service)
Moshe Denburg Sings
– Vekarev Pezureinu
– Vekarev Pezureinu
[From the original liner notes, 1977 ca.]
Moshe Denburg, singer, guitarist and songwriter is a native of Montreal, Canada, and hails from a Rabbinic family. He began his musical career in Israel nine years ago (in 1967) where he resided for seven years, playing and singing for the Israeli Defense forces in the Sinai and elsewhere.
Moshe attended the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem and Faculty of Music of McGill University of Montreal. While in Israel, he recorded some of his songs with CBS. He has also recorded some of his compositions for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry in New York. “When the Lord came to Zion”, one of Moshe’s songs featured in this album, was a Prizewinner in a Cross-Canada Song writing contest, sponsored by the Saidye Bronfman Centre in 1975.
Moshe presently teaches guitar privately and is a music instructor at the Hebrew Academy Day School of Montreal. He has appeared before many audiences as an entertainer and interpreter of Jewish Music.
All songs composed by Moshe Denburg
Orchestra arranged and conducted by Yisroel Lamm
Executive Producer – Isaac Gross
Recording and Mixing Engineer -Bill Wittman
Additional Engineering – Jay Borden
Jacket Design – C.S. Friedman
(Note: Photo of Moshe by David Kaufman)
Printing Coordinator – Sender Schwartz
Distributed by House of Menorah, N.Y.C.
Distributed in Canada by Renen Musical Productions Ltd.
Recorded at Variety Sound and Sound Ideas in New York City.
Special Thanks
I would like to thank my dear parents, Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Denburg, for their constant support, both moral and spiritual in helping me see this project through to its completion. Without them, this album would have never gotten off the ground.
– Moshe